Auto Close Order Moving Average EA MQL4
This part very useful because this part we able to use protect the Take profit and Stop Loss, which would make us live in Forex Trading and got best profit and minimum loss.
MQL4 Basic function used Close Order Moving Average EA MQL4
Table Function OrderSelect MQL4
bool OrderSelect |
It returns true if the function succeeds The order must be previously selected by the OrderSelect() function |
Int index |
Order index or order ticket depending on the second parameter |
Int select |
index in the order pool |
index is order ticket |
int pool=MODE_TRADES |
MODE_TRADES (default) |
order selected from trading pool(opened and pending orders) |
order selected from history pool (closed and canceled order) |
int OrderMagicNumber(); Returns an identifying (magic) number of the currently selected order
string OrderSymbol() Returns symbol name of the currently selected order.
Table Function Order Type MQL4
int OrderType(); |
Returned value |
Should specific when we using |
double Open[] contains open prices of each bar of the current chart
double Close[] contains close prices for each bar of the current chart
Table Function Order Close MQL4
bool OrderClose |
Closes opened order |
Int ticket |
Unique number of the order ticket |
Double lots |
Number of lots |
Double price |
Closing price |
Int slippage |
Value of the maximum price slippage in points |
color arrow_color |
Color of the closing arrow |
long Volume[] contains tick volumes of each bar of the current chart
moving average EA close order conditions:
Close Buy when Candle open price over MA reference and close candle price under ma
Open[1]>ma && Close[1]<ma
Close Sell when Candle open price under MA reference and close candle price over ma
Open[1]<ma && Close[1]>ma
Full code moving average close order
//| Check for close order conditions |
void CheckForClose()
double ma;
//--- go trading only for first tiks of new bar
if(Volume[0]>1) return;
//--- get Moving Average
//original ma=iMA(NULL,0,MovingPeriod,MovingShift,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break;
if(OrderMagicNumber()!=MAGICMA || OrderSymbol()!=Symbol()) continue;
//--- check order type
if(Open[1]>ma && Close[1]<ma)
Print("OrderClose error ",GetLastError());
if(Open[1]<ma && Close[1]>ma)
Print("OrderClose error ",GetLastError());
This EA prepare example for activate open and close order, next chapster we would find out how to.