
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Moving Average EA Open Order Function

Moving Average EA Open Order Function

Check open order EA MQL4 moving average have new function use as below

Function used for open order MQL4 moving average EA

long Volume[] Series array that contains tick volumes of each bar of the current chart
double Open[] Series array that contains open prices of each bar of the current chart.
double Close[] Series array that contains close prices for each bar of the current chart.
string  Symbol() Returns a text string with the name of the currency pair

int OrderSend
string NULL
Int cmd
double volume Number of lots
Double price Order price (double Bid price for Sell, double Ask price for buy)
Int slippage Maximum price slippage for buy or sell orders
double stoploss
double takeprofit
string comment=NULL Order comment text. Last part of the comment may be changed by server
Int magic=0 Order magic number. May be used as user defined identifier
Datetime expiration=0 Order expiration time (for pending orders only)
color arrow_color=clrNONE Color of open order
Mention to this EA example not have EA Setting properties for Take Profit and Stop Loss, so at first we would add this parameter in to EA properties as below, which TP and Stop Loss that for broker 5 digits that need specify Point*10 and broker 4 digits would specify Point.
Incase no TP and SL that we would specify 0 in to these part.

Properties for Moving Average Parameter as below

extern string TP_SL = " --- TP and Stop Loss ---";
extern bool Broke3_5Digits = True;
extern double My_TP = 10;
extern double My_SL = 10;

//Add extern parameter as Label
extern string MovingAvr = " --- Moving Average parameter ---";
//Change from original
extern int    MovingPeriod  =12;
extern int    MovingShift   =6;
//Add properties
extern ENUM_MA_METHOD   EMA_method1 = MODE_SMA;

//| Check for open order conditions                                  |
void CheckForOpen()
   double ma;
   int    res;
//--- go trading only for first tiks of new bar
   if(Volume[0]>1) return;

//--- get Moving Average 
  // original ma=iMA(NULL,0,MovingPeriod,MovingShift,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);

//--- sell conditions
   if(Open[1]>ma && Close[1]<ma)
      // old send sell order: res=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,LotsOptimized(),Bid,3,0,0,"",MAGICMA,0,Red);
//--- buy conditions
   if(Open[1]<ma && Close[1]>ma)

This Moving Average function that sell condition is Open[1]>ma && Close[1]<ma
Buy condition is Open[1]<ma && Close[1]>ma

in the next chapster would explain about auto close order part in case open order is not the right way.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

EA MA Optimal Lot or Trading Money Management

Optimal Lot or Trading Money Management

Money Management that nessary for our trading because this would protect our loss could be happen all the time, so this part should have in our Expert Advisor.

The MQL4 function used for this module detail as below.

Function Feature
double NormalizeDouble Return Value of double type with preset accuracy
double value Value with a floating point
int digits Accuracy format, number of digits after point (0-8)
double AccountFreeMargin(); Free margin value of the current account.
double OrderProfit() Returns profit of the currently selected order The net profit value (without swaps or commissions)
int OrdersHistoryTotal(); The number of closed orders in the account history loaded into the terminal. The history list size depends on the current settings of the "Account history" tab of the terminal

Meaning of Moving Average Money Management MQL4 code

double LotsOptimized()
   double lot=Lots;
   int    orders=HistoryTotal();     // history orders total
   int    losses=0;                  // number of losses orders without a break
//--- select lot size
//Calculate account free margin from Maximum risk, which specified in EA properties

//--- calcuulate number of losses orders without a break
      for(int i=orders-1;i>=0;i--)
            Print("Error in history!");
         if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL)
         if(OrderProfit()>0) break;
         if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++;

//This function decrease lot size depend on order pending got loss
//DecreaseFactor would got specified on EA properties

//if(DecreaseFactor>0) would do the lot optimization if specified number greater than 0 
//in EA properties
//----- in DecreaseFactor Function----
//Check order false status and report

//if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL)
//            continue;
//order success check
//if(OrderProfit()>0) break;
//if order got profit not do the lot optimization
// if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++;
//     }
//      if(losses>1)
//        lot=NormalizeDouble(lot-lot*losses/DecreaseFactor,1);
//     }

// if order have loss do the lot optimization or decrease lot to next order
//----- end of DecreaseFactor check condition

//--- return lot size
   if(lot<0.1) lot=0.1;

//---- end of  

Test Run Moving Average EA on youtube
double LotsOptimized()
   double lot=Lots;
   int    orders=HistoryTotal();     // history orders total
   int    losses=0;                  // number of losses orders without a break
//--- select lot size
//Calculate account free margin from Maximum risk, which specified in EA properties

//--- calcuulate number of losses orders without a break
      for(int i=orders-1;i>=0;i--)
            Print("Error in history!");
         if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL)
         if(OrderProfit()>0) break;
         if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++;

//This function decrease lot size depend on order pending got loss
//DecreaseFactor would got specified on EA properties

//if(DecreaseFactor>0) would do the lot optimization if specified number greater than 0 
//in EA properties
//----- in DecreaseFactor Function----
//Check order false status and report

//if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL)
//            continue;
//order success check
//if(OrderProfit()>0) break;
//if order got profit not do the lot optimization
// if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++;
//     }
//      if(losses>1)
//        lot=NormalizeDouble(lot-lot*losses/DecreaseFactor,1);
//     }

// if order have loss do the lot optimization or decrease lot to next order
//----- end of DecreaseFactor check condition

//--- return lot size
   if(lot<0.1) lot=0.1;

//---- end of  

Test Run Moving Average EA on youtube

Monday, December 21, 2015

Visual Back Test EA and Indicator MT4

Visual Back Test EA and Indicator MT4 

2 step Fastest Test Expert Adviser and Forex Indicator MT4

1. Select MT4 Expert Adviser Tester set properties and parameter TF for back testing click at Visual

Click the Start testing slide bar at visual mode to slowest position and then go to step 2

2. Drag the indicator want to check to the visual chart

Monday, December 14, 2015

Example MQL4 Code Moving Average EA Check Pending Order

Example MQL4 Code Moving Average EA Check Pending Order

In the last chapster we learn about how to build expert advisor properties and link the extern variable 

Moving Average EA function. In this chapster we would learn open order condition from MetaTrader 

Moving Average EA Code

Moving Average sample expert advisor by MetaQuotes designed the coding as 5 block of code
Calculate Pending order
Optimal Lot or Trading Money Management
Open order condition
Close order condition
Activate on Tick Function

This Chapter we would learn about Calculation The pending order.

 Calculate Pending order

Calculate Pending order including function as below
Function Feature
int OrdersTotal(); Returns the number of market and pending orders.
bool OrderSelect The function selects an order for further processing.
Order index or order ticket number of ticket
Selecting flags
SELECT_BY_POS index in the order pool
SELECT_BY_TICKET index is order ticket
MODE_TRADES opened and pending orders
MODE_HISTORY closed and canceled order
string OrderSymbol(); The symbol name of the currently selected order
string Symbol(); Returns a text string with the name of the current financial
int OrderMagicNumber(); The identifying (magic) number of the currently selected order
int OrderType();
OP_BUY buy order
OP_SELL sell order
OP_BUYLIMIT buy limit pending order
OP_BUYSTOP buy stop pending order
OP_SELLLIMIT sell limit pending order
OP_SELLSTOP sell stop pending order

Mention to the code and using function in this part

Basic MQL4 Function creation example from document page of MQL4

Explian the code MA EA calculate pending order

First Step specify function name and return value to function
From the MA EA code this part would return Integer value to function, which when we would like to use this 

function that we should call this function with (string variable)

for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++) // check total pending order

if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break; // no action if have pending order
//if have pending order Buy or Sell count buys and sells variable
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGICMA)
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)  buys++;
         if(OrderType()==OP_SELL) sells++;

//--- return total orders pending
   if(buys>0) return(buys);
   else       return(-sells);

Check order pending by function OrderSelect, which command in this part would check total order pass minor function SELECT_BY_POS and trade was opened or trade pending MODE_TRADE.
This if not have pending order would call open order function pass OrderType function

This Chapter we learn about how to check pending order in next chapter we would learn about Optimal Lot or money management

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Forex MQL4 EA Properties code 2

External variable or Extern Variable MQL4

From Last Chapter

Extern ones also determine the input parameters of an mql4 EA
They are available from the Properties window
Extern variables can be modified in the Properties window and MQL4 Program

This chapter we would talk about how to coding EA properties

Learn to know Moving Average Indicators

Learn to know Moving Average Functions

Function Name
double iMA
Function Parameter
Function Value Function Value Name Function Meaning
symbol NULL

1440 PERIOD_D1
10080 PERIOD_W1
43200 PERIOD_MN1
ma_period Averaging period for calculation
MA shift Indicators line offset relate to the chart by timeframe


applied_price 0 PRICE_CLOSE Close price
applied_price 1 PRICE_OPEN Open price
applied_price 2 PRICE_HIGH The maximum price for the period
applied_price 3 PRICE_LOW The minimum price for the period
applied_price 4 PRICE_MEDIAN Median price, (high + low)/2
applied_price 5 PRICE_TYPICAL Typical price, (high + low + close)/3
applied_price 6 PRICE_WEIGHTED Weighted close price, (high + low + close + close)/4
Current candle is 0 (candle 1-N is count back from current candle)

iMA Function Moving Average from MetaQuotes Example

iMA Function Moving Average in MetaQuotes EA or Expert Advisor Examples have 2 lines use iMA function 



This we would learning how to build EA properties for this function

Basic variable Data Type

Every Vaiable should contain and specific data type as below
int (integers)
double (real numbers)
bool (Boolean values, that is logical values)
string (values of string type)
color (values of color type)
datetime (values of date and time)

Extern MQL4 Variable Group

1. Input Value directly (Like input to Edit Box) to the MQL4 EA properties
2. Input Value pass Boolean drop down list to the MQL4 EA properties
3. Input Value pass EA Methode Function

Time to change the properties of MetaQuotes EA or Expert Advisor Examples code

Function from original code

This we would add 3 lines to select Time Frame, Moving Everage and Apply Price, so add code as below to EA properties 

Input Enum Variable to the Moving Average Function to the MQL4 code

We have 3 enum variable now


from original iMA function in the code

Change to

Test Run Moving Average EA on youtube

Friday, December 11, 2015

Forex MQL4 EA Properties Coding Learn Free 1

MQL4 EA Properties Coding

Learning from MetaQuotes Moving Average EA Example

Access MetaQuotes Language Editor

Open Data Folder 

Copy File Moving Average EA and Rename to New one

Check Properties and Activate Auto Trading

Check The original code Moving Average EA

Input variable MQL 4
Input variable with the input modifier can't be changed inside mql4-programs
input variables can be changed only by a user from the program properties window

Example in original code of moving average ea

input double Lots          =0.1;
input double MaximumRisk   =0.02;
input double DecreaseFactor=3;
input int    MovingPeriod  =12;
input int    MovingShift   =6;

Change The Variable Type from Original EA code

External variable or Extern Variable MQL4
Extern ones also determine the input parameters of an mql4 EA
They are available from the Properties window
Extern variables can be modified in the Properties window and MQL4 Program

so, we would add External variable in the properties part of EA and change input variable to extern variable code as below

Sunday, November 29, 2015

MT4 EA build procedure 1 MQL4 EA Structure

MT4 EA build procedure 1 MT4 EA Structure

MQL4 Property structure

//|                                             test_bistechn_ea.mq4 |
//|                               Copyright 2015, BIS and Technology |
//|                                        |
#property copyright "Copyright 2015, BIS and Technology"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

This part for declare the property owner of this EA or MQL4 code after Meta Editor complied this MT4 EA property would show in Metatrader program (MT4) part of Expert Advisors during we point this mouse to this EA.

Also this part used for declare public variable. (public variable would able used in any function in MT4 EA)

MT4 EA properties for setting basic parameter would declared in this part

MQL4 Initialization function

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

The Initialization function part used for initialize EA instance Change the Time Frame Trading and etc.

MQL4 Expert deinitialization function

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

This part used for clean all draw line, arrow, which build by EA after not using

MQL4 Expert Start function 

//| Expert Start function                                             |
int start()
  }return (result);

The MQL4 Expert Start Function used for create function what we want this EA working or trade instance open buy or sell and all of  activities we would like to do